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Friday, July 15, 2011

Nicki Minaj denies being hit by man in Dallas


Police Report Confirms There Was An Incident
6:00AM ET July 14th, 2011
Contributor : Chris G.
A Rocky Williform Company

Nicki Minaj Denies Fight Story
Rapper Nicki Minaj is denying reports that she was involved in a physical altercation with a male friend at the Palomar Hotel in Dallas. Details have been offered as to what allegedly happened.

Minaj and her hypeman Safaree “SB” Samuels reportedly got into an argument and Minaj was hit in the mouth with a suitcase.

“Responding officers spoke with the Complainant [Nicki Minaj], who stated a verbal altercation took place…at the pool,” the report read. “When [Minaj] returned to her hotel room, Witness 1 [Safaree Samuels] was also back at the room…[Minaj] told [Samuels] that she didn’t want him taking anyting out of the room. [Samuels] had some of his personal belongings in a suitcase, and as [Minaj] was looking into the suitcase, [Samuels] grabbed the suitcase and as he was picking it up, he shoved the suitcase across [Minaj's] chin.”

“Responding officers observed slight swelling and redness to [Minaj's] chin and lower lip. [Minaj's] teeth struck the inside of her lower lip, causing the inside….to bleed….[Minaj] told responding officers that she did not want to make a report and that she just wanted her suitcase back….[Minaj] stated multiple times that she and [Samuels] were only friends and had never been involved in an intimate relationship and were not related at all. The hotel rooms…were re-keyed…and [Minaj] was provided with a key. [Minaj] refused to have any pictures taken and refused to make a police report.”

But Minaj and Safaree both claim the story has been exaggerated. "The fact that u believe a man either slapped or punched me in the face & didn't leave on a stretcher w/his balls hangin off? #getaF%cknLifedenied," Minaj tweeted shortly after the story broke. "The media could pee on ur leg & tell u its raining. You'd believe it. You'd believe u were an adopted martian if TMZ told u so. #stopit5"

The general public are some stupid muthaf*ckas!!!! Y'all d*cks believe anything on a website," Safaree tweeted. "It's really a shame... Wut up tho Dallas?!!

He then added, "4the record I would never lay a hand on ANY woman, I have all sisters and No brothers And that's the last I'll say about that!!! God bless."


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